Fira Sans Extra Condensed SemiBold
Fira Sans Extra Condensed Medium
Fira Sans Extra Condensed Thin
Fira Sans Extra Condensed Black
Fira Sans Extra Condensed Light
Fira Sans Black
Khaled Hosny
Jens Kutilek
Mozilla is a type foundry. All
Why Apple Abandoned the World's Most Beloved Typeface?
THE WORLD'S MOST beloved typeface has been dumped.
2017-01-13 17:37:12
微软放出可让Edge浏览器变得更快的新特性:WOFF 2.0字体
微软刚刚宣布,在即将到来的Windows 10年度更新中,该公司将加入对WOFF 2.0字体的支持。值得一提的是,Edge浏览器也
2016-05-17 15:35:33
Making Initial Letters Part III: Fine Tuning & Fun
In Part I and Part II of this Initial Letters series, we looked a
2016-02-01 15:24:22
Getting Menus Under Control
When designing website menus, it's important to consider quantity
2015-07-27 15:08:15
Why Apple Abandoned the World's Most Beloved Typeface
The world's most beloved typeface has been dumped.After two rocky
2015-06-10 07:29:11
An interview with Botio Nikoltchev, type designer
We had the chance to ask a few questions to Botio Nikoltchev, a y
2014-04-09 15:36:59
Mozilla is a type foundry. All