Less Than 20 Days Left On Typodarium 2014

News|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2012-12-18 02:13:25

Typodarium is your daily dose of typography. It takes the form of a tear-off calendar, just like the one our grandmothers used to hang in the kitchen. But instead of spouting inane quotations, offering redundant advice or telling lame jokes, this calendar unveils a new type design every day. For a whole year, it gives you the opportunity to broaden your typographic knowledge, to discover the typeface's history and development, to admire an original type design. The front of each page prominently displays the month, date and day set in the typeface, while the back lists the typeface's name and describes the concept – how the design originated, if it was inspired by something or someone, and any other details worth mentioning. Typodarium 2013 celebrates the fifth anniversary of the calendar and is unfortunately already sold out. If you are a type designer or a foundry, you are invited to contribute to the upcoming Typodarium 2014. At the time of publishing there are only 17 days left to be filled in, so don't wait too long!

All submissions are reviewed and selected by the editors with assistance from a jury of type experts: iconic letterer, graphic designer and type designer Ed Benguiat; MA Typeface Design alumnus and one half of the TypeTogether foundry Veronika Burian; Berlin-based Dutch type designer and founder of LucasFonts Luc(as) de Groot, President of tgm – Typographische Gesellschaft München e.V. (the Typographic Society of Munich) and member of the German committee of the Type Directors Club of New York Boris Kochan; and owner of a multidisciplinary creative studio and design author Ian Lynam.

If you are interested in collaborating in this time-sensitive project, please go to the Typodarium website for the call for entries. Contribution is free of charge. Make sure you have an interesting story to tell about your typeface! Typodarium 2014 is published by Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz. The 10,000 copies will be sold online, and distributed in design and museum shops and selected book stores worldwide.



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