Rejoice! T-shirt by Philosophy Football

News|Fonts in Use|Florian Hardwig 2013-04-16 00:05:08

Source: All Rights Reserved.

When it comes to Thatcher, the comrades of Philosophy Football take no stock in piety:

This one is for the miners, the steelworkers, the printers, the firefighters, the millions unemployed, the injustices the Hillsborough familes were forced to endure, the Poll Tax protesters, those who lost their lives on HMS Sheffield, and the Belgrano, for what? For the women of Greenham Common and the Trident missiles we didn't want. For Bobby Sands and the prisoners who starved themselves to death while Thatcher denied them their political status. For the NHS and the nurses, our schools and teachers, the council houses sold off, the privatisation of our public utilities, railways and buses. For our school milk. For the reputation of St Francis of Assisi.

Their t-shirt comes "in funereal black, in remembrance of all we lost 1979–1990". The typeface isShire Cheshireby Jeremy Tankard, who comments: "I guess those in the US could celebrate Buddha's Birthday (Hana-Matsuri)".



The Printers

The Printers



Jeremy Tankard Typography

Jeremy Tankard Typography