TYPO San Francisco 2013 "Contrast" Live Streams Available For Viewing

News|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2013-04-17 04:29:30

With over 700 attendees, speakers and volunteers, the second edition of again a success. If you couldn't make the conference or are already going through withdrawal, the videos of no less than five live streams are still available for viewing by the general public. Furthermore searching the #typo13 hashtag on Twitter and reading the recaps of each talk on the TYPO San Francisco Blog will allow you to (re)live the event. Your next TYPO appointment is in Berlin at "Touch" next month. Don't miss out!

Erik Spiekermann: Life is in Beta

Erik Kessels (KesselsKramer): strong ideas allow you to blur

Keetra Dean Dixon: A Little Knowledge and Other Minor Daredeviling

Ursus Wehrli: The Art Of Clean Up

Jessi Arrington: This One Goes to Eleven

Photos: Amber Gregory