Jüdische Kulturtage

News|Fonts in Use|Florian Hardwig 2013-08-16 01:18:47

License: CC BY.

While the logo on the left is a static image, the text on the right is rendered with webfonts: juedische-kulturtage.org

Jüdische Kulturtage ("Jewish Culture Days") makes heavy use ofFF Tisa Sans(2011) by Mitja Miklavčič, featuring several of its seven weights as well as Italics and small caps. The program is printed in four colors on newsprint and cleverly avoids halftone type by utilizing cyan and magenta as brand colors. FF Tisa Sans is used for the website, too. There, the typographic range has been reduced to a basic set of four styles.

License: CC BY.

Posters advertise the Jewish Culture Days in a Berlin subway station.

License: CC BY.

License: CC BY.

License: CC BY.

License: CC BY.

Cyan is reserved for the secondary language. The English text sometimes is arranged below the German, sometimes next to it.

License: CC BY.

License: CC BY.

License: CC BY.

License: CC BY.

License: CC BY.



Mitja Miklavčič

Mitja Miklavčič