Lettres Modernes #2: See, Watch, Read

News|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2014-03-26 17:56:12

This quick post is specifically aimed at our French(-speaking) readers. This afternoon I leave for Caen, France where I will participate in the international symposium on typography Lettres Modernes #2 tomorrow and Friday, March 27–28. By inviting type designers, researchers and artists, this free event offers two days of reflection on how the coexistence of traditional and digital media influence typography and its perception. Organised by Ésam Caen/​Cherbourg as integral part of its research activities, the symposium is coordinated by French type designer and teacher Jean-​​Baptiste Levée, and partnered to the Graphic Arts festival of the University of Caen Basse-​​Normandie (ARG3). Besides a number of French speakers, Ésam also welcomes three international personalities – Dutch-born, Belgian-based type designer Fred Smeijers, American type designer Christian Schwartz, and German type expert and professor in typography Indra Kupferschmid. I will live translate their presentations on stage.

Thursday, March 27 2014

Intro­duc­tion by Jean-​​Baptiste Levée« Visible et lisible dans l'image en mouve­ment »

Karine Bouchy (FR), researcher and calli­grapher« La lisibi­lité, une construc­tion histo­rique »

Marc Smith (FR), paleo­grapher« Écran/​Papier, quelles diffé­rences pour le lecteur ? »

Thierry Baccino (FR), profes­sor in cogni­tive psycho­logy« La "lettrure". Le lire et l'écrire des médias infor­ma­tisés »

Emmanuël Souchier (FR), profes­sor in information and commu­ni­ca­tion sciences« My text typefaces, une affaire de cœur »

Fred Smeijers (NL), type designer and typographer

Friday, March 28 2014

« À bas "screen typography", viva "typography onscreen" »

Indra Kupfer­schmid (DE), typographer and teacher« Le texte et la mode »

Angelo Cirimele (FR), editor« Merci à celui qui le lira »

Åbäke/​Maki Suzuki (GB), editor, graphic designer and artist« Making something out of something »

Chris­tian Schwartz (USA), type designer« Relevés d'écrits »

Philippe Artières (FR), histo­rian

Text Type

Text Type

Christian Schwartz

Christian Schwartz



German Type Foundry

German Type Foundry