In Use: FF DIN for The Onion

News|The FontFeed|Stephen Coles 2006-01-17 03:57:50

If FontShop's bathroom wall is any testament to our reading habits, The Onion is our news source of choice. The online edition of The Onion uses FF DIN for its navigation menu. It's tough to inject some style into so few pixels while maintaining legibility, and FF DIN's straight-sided construction performs well. It's a shame they aren't using it for the little green teaser heads as well.

The very bright Khoi Vinh and his firm Behavior are responsible for The Onion redesign. Read more about the transformation at Vinh's blog, Subtraction.

Behavior also overhauled The Onion's entertainment companion publication The A.V. Club, using Luc(as) de Groot's TheSans for navigation.

More recently, Vinh's work has caught the attention of another news giant, The New York Times. Vinh was just hired as the Design Director We can't wait to see how he breathes new life into the Gray Lady.

Header image:FF DIN in use at and TheSans at