Typodarium, Your Daily Dose Of Type In 2010

News|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2009-10-19 17:49:55

Typodarium 2010, published by Lars Harmsen and Raban Ruddigkeit will be your daily source of typographic inspiration for the coming year. The first typographic tear-off calendar features 365 type designs – bread-and-butter faces, types with character, old masters, and young guns – from 180 foundries and designers hailing from 30 countries all over the world.

This year the tear-off calendar also makes for a great give-away, as it comes in a sturdy decorative box which is perfectly suited for collecting the torn off pages.

On each front page – which is decorative yet traditional and functional – the day, date, and month are set with a different font; on the back you'll find background information about the typeface, designer(s), sources… and even a marriage proposal at some point!

Make sure to get the 2010 edition fast, because last year's copies were sold out virtually immediately! Order it here.