7 WordPress plugins to improve your blog's typography

Typesetting|Typography Daily|Mirko 2009-12-17 02:58:39

Out of the box, WordPress doesn't come with any typographic tools. If you are interested to improve your blog's typography, you should definitely take a look at these WordPress plugins.

1. wp-Typography

Hyphenation, better spacing, intelligent character replacement and much more. Gain control over your WordPress blog's typography.

2. Drop Caps

Easily add drop caps capabilities to your WordPress blog.

3. Font Burner

Plugin making it easy to add Font Burner fonts to any WordPress powered website.

4. Simple pull quotes

This plugin provides an easy way to include pull quotes.

5. jQuery font resizer

This one will not make your typography look nicer or better, but it will definitely make your blog more accessible.

6. WP Footnotes

Quickly add footnotes in your blog posts.

7. Title style

Use this plugin to wrap lowercase words, helpful if you want to automatically style parts of your headlines.