Menu for Eton Dinner at The Monico, Oct. 28, 1898

News|Fonts in Use|Stephen Coles 2015-12-27 11:08:48

Source: Bettoni Collection at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Library. License: All Rights Reserved.

Dinner to the Earl of Minto (governor-general designate of Canada), Lord Curzon of Kedleston (viceroy designate of India, and Rev. J. E. C. Welldon (bishop designate of Calcutta), Friday, October 28, 1898 at The Monico. Chairman: Earl of Rosebery, K. G. Also includes a list of previous governors general of India and viceroys of Canada. Menu printed with Berger & Wirth inks. All three honored persons were Eaton alumni.

This menu features at least two exemplars of fancy Victorian type:BradleyandMadisonian, an unusual mix of DIdone italic and Spencerian script.

Source: Bettoni Collection at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Library. License: All Rights Reserved.

Source: Bettoni Collection at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas University Library. License: All Rights Reserved.

Menu detail.