Dune book series, New English Library

News|Fonts in Use|Brian Phillips 2016-03-16 20:24:54

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Late '70s, early '80s covers for Frank Herbert's Dune series. Cover art by Bruce Pennington. Books published by New English Library Books.

There are a ton of different editions of the Dune series, as you can see on Giorgio. Giorgio is like a psycedelic slab serif. The tagline text has been set inMonotype Grotesque.

Below are dozens of different versions of Dune. The type has been set in so many different ways. Titles can be seen set in a yet unidentified typeface (or is it lettering?) digitized as Desdemona aka Quaint, Revue, Rubens, Plantin, Alpha Midnight, Avant Garde Gothic, Kabel Black, Albertus, Engravers, Trajan, Techno and many more.

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License: All Rights Reserved.

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