Tom Lane has illustrated a book to"/>

Tom Lane details illustrations for Heston's Fantastical Feasts book

News|Digital Arts| 2010-06-01 12:56:37

Heston's Fantasical Feasts." />

Tom Lane has illustrated a book to accompany Heston Blumenthal's TV show, Heston's Fantasical Feasts.

Tom says that he was approached by Grade Design and Bloomsbury Publishing as Heston's team saw from his website the potential to create the illustrations and illuminated type needed to give the book a real sense of fantastical fairy tale. He was asked to create the magical visuals that would mirror the magic of Heston's culinary delights, such as frames for the menus with themes including Fairy Tale and Gothic Horror.

Tom designed all of the illuminated typography for the book, including its title.

"This was as much a fantastical feat as it was a fantastical feast," says Tom. "The timescales were very tight but I got a real sense from all involved that they were dedicated to creating something different and special. We all saw the opportunity to put our skills to the test and throw a lot into the pot and I am very happy with the result."

Each chapter begins with an ornate drop cap.

Heston's Fantastical Feasts it will be available in book shops at the end of May, and Tom is currently working on ideas for the slipcase of a limited edition version of the book.