Web Fonts is Live: What's new, What's Next

News| Blog|S Steve Lee 2010-09-14 12:58:34

After a little more than four months of beta, we are officially launching Web Fonts. Our mission is to make fonts available to all websites and applications. We believe the way to do that is to continuously provide our customers with additional value, quality and convenience. We kept this objective in mind as we began incorporating the feedback we received during our beta. This has resulted in some new features and options that we think will be of interest to you. Here's a quick rundown of what's new.

Desktop downloads – installable fonts for Professional subscribers:

Professional subscribers can download installable fonts for creating website mockups. Download up to 50 fonts every 30 days.

More fonts

We've expanded our selection of Web fonts to more than 7,500. The original 2,200+ fonts available during beta are still available for use to all subscribers, including users of our free plan.

Broader language support

More than 50 percent of Internet users don't speak English. Corporations need to communicate globally. With over 600 non-Latin fonts, we offer support for more than 40 languages.

Dynamic subsetting

East Asian languages require a large number of characters. A font supporting the Simplified Chinese writing system can contain more than 28,000 characters and have a file size in excess of 10 MB. To reduce the download time, our patent-pending technology serves a font containing only the characters needed to render the page.

Non-JavaScript publishing method

This publishing method uses a CSS file link and reduces potential conflicts with other JavaScript code that could be running on a Web page.

Private fonts

If you already own or have licensed fonts for Web use, we can upload the fonts and serve them to your site visitors. Please contact us for more details on this service.

Wildcard subdomain support

You can enter "*." before your root domain to cover any subdomains you may use. This feature is great for sites that have many subdomains or those that dynamically generate subdomains.

SSL support

SSL support is free for all subscribers including our free plan users. To use Web Fonts with Transport Layer Security, simply change "http" to "https" in your Web Fonts code snippet.

iPhone, iPad and iPod support

We're happy to unveil support for iPhone®, iPad® and iPod® Touch mobile digital devices that's stable and looks great, too.

This is just the beginning of our journey. As we build upon our solution, we want to make it easier to use and even more accessible. While our current service is already addressing the demands of Web designers and content creators, we're looking ahead at how to best serve user interface designers, application developers and others. We hope you're as excited as we are to be on the edge of this emerging and empowering technology.

