The Last 100 Copies Of 8 Faces #3

News|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2011-08-29 06:09:50

Printed on heavy, uncoated stock, with a foil-blocked cover, and pressed at just 2000 limited editions, each issue of 8 Faces is a true collector's item. Just like previous instalments, the third 8 Faces has been snapped up by fans of type, selling its first 1000 copies in one hour. At one point the magazine sold a copy every 2.79 seconds on average. Now there are only physical 100 copies left, so don't procrastinate!

With a cover by Fontsmith.

The new issue also features a fabulous introduction by Peter Biľak, a review of Codex: The Journal of Typography, and an essay on Type Rendering and Web Fonts by Typekit's Tim Brown. On top of that, every copy ships with House Industries' Photo Lettering catalogue and a chance to win champagne from Underware.

I want to use this opportunity to explain my selection for the magazine. As a privileged observer of this industry I am exposed to an incredible wealth of good type design. This makes it very hard to single out either my eight favourite faces or the "best" eight typefaces ever. So I decided to go with my gut feeling and simply pick eight faces I was immediately, instinctively drawn to. Some of them were licensed without even knowing when or how I was going to use them, but I notice I keep coming back to them in my design work. Does that sound like good enough a reason?

A free PDF version is immediately downloadable with every order. The magazine is available to buy from





House Industries

House Industries

