Updated: Unit Editions publishes book on design legend Herb Lubalin

Design|Digital Arts| 2012-06-11 13:27:07

Unit Editions will release a collection of the work of typographer and graphic designer Herb Lubalin in July.

The monograph of Lubalin's work is accompanied by text by writer Adrian Shaughnessy. It is designed by Tony Brook at Spin.

Here's the book's blurb:

'Along with Saul Bass and Paul Rand, Herb Lubalin forms a trio of American graphic design greatness. This meticulously researched book offers a complete career overview of Herb Lubalin.

'It contains a vast array of work, beginning with his early days as one of the original Mad Men in the New York advertising world of the 50s and 60s, and continuing on into the years of his greatest achievements as one of the world's most influential

typographers and graphic designers.

"Herb Lubalin's work is enjoying an unprecedented revival of interest amongst young graphic designers. The Lubalin cult is worldwide with strong pockets of interest in Korea, Japan and, of course, the USA and UK."

The books is contained in a protective cardboard wrapper. Here some 'unboxing' shots.

And now the book itself:

Below are some more examples of Lubalin's work.

The 448-page hardback will be released as a limited edition of 3,000 copies – 2,000 boxed and numbered through Unit Editions' website, and 1,000 through bookshops. It costs £65.

