Upcoming TYPO Dates Announced and 25% Reduction For TYPO London

News|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2012-07-10 20:39:48

the atmosphere at TYPO SF "Connect". Footage of the events is interspersed with mini-interviews with organisers, speakers and facilitators. Discover them after the jump.

Upcoming TYPO International Design Talks

The schedule of the new season of TYPO conferences has been announced.

TYPO London 2012 "Social"| October 19–20, 2012

TYPO San Francisco 2013| April 11–12, 2013

TYPO Berlin 2013| May 16–18, 2013

There is a special offer for TYPO London 2012 "Social". Until July 15th, 2012 get25% offoff the Early Bird price for professional tickets – which are already 20% off, so a total reduction of 40% on the regular price! Simply enter the promo code T12-CM when registering.

For more information and a list of confirmed speakers read the first TYPO London 2012 "Social" newsletter.

