Webfontday 2012 This Saturday in München, Germany

News|The FontFeed|Yves Peters 2012-11-08 06:39:59

I have added a very last-minute speaking commitment to my schedule. This Saturday, November 11, I will give a presentation about improving web typography in a few simple steps at Webfontday 2012, the one-day conference organised by the Typographische Gesellschaft München. The theme this year is "Type goes Interface".

Web or mobile – well-conceived interface design is still scarce. User friendliness and (typo)graphic quality often seem to be incompatible. Many websites offer playful technical features, yet often fail to communicate their content. Simply introducing webfonts will not be the solution.

Webfontday 2012 is dedicated to courageous and extraordinary solutions in web design. It will provide practical tips for everyday practice, and showcase brilliant and inspiring examples.

Panel discussion about fonts specifically designed for the web at Webfontday 2011, with Tim Ahrens, Georg Seifert, and Adam Twardoch. © Michael Bundscherer

The program of the event looks pretty solid – I will be sharing the stage with Tim Ahrens, David Berlow, Indra Kupferschmid, and Adam Twardoch amongst others. The only problem will be to compress my presentation into a half hour slot.

If you are in (Southern) Germany (Bavaria) and would be interested in attending Webfontday, there are still a limited number of seats available.

Header image:Oliver Linke at Webfontday 2011. © Michael Bundscherer

