Charis Tsevis

Charis Tsevis is an award winning visual designer living and working in Greece.

He holds a Diploma of Graphic Design from the Deutsche Hoehere Lehranstalt fur Grafik und Werbung and a Master in Visual Design from the Scuola Politecnica di Design di Milano. He manages his own studio by the name of “Tsevis Visual Design” in Athens serving clients all over the world.

His client list includes companies like Toyota, IKEA, Bradesco Bank, Saatchi and Saatchi, BBH and media like Time, Fortune, Los Angeles Times, Sunday Times, Panorama, Epoca, MacFan Japan and many more.

Charis is a part-time professor of Editorial Design and Typography at the AKTO College of Art and Design since 1996. He has also presented seminars at the Panteion University of Athens and has given lectures in numerous national and international conferences and symposiums like the International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication or the Adobe D-Day.

Charis Tsevis is also a regular columnist for some of the most respected design and computer magazines in Greece (+design, RAM etc.) His book about Adobe Photoshop is the absolute best selling Photoshop book in Greece.

He has received awards like ED (Europe), NPSA (USA), EBGE (Greece). Charis is part of the Parachute circle of type designers since 2001 having designed 10 typefaces. His PF Libera is one of the top-selling script typefaces and has been awarded with an EBGE merit (Greek Graphic Design Awards) in 2002.