Graphic designer, typographer and type designer. Ph.D. from the Warsaw University of Technology on legibility of type (2004). Full-time lecturer on typography and graphic design at the Warsaw University of Technology; also visiting lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and at other colleges in Poland. Co-founder and partner of Fontarte design studio. He has been designing several typefaces — contemporary new designs as well as Polish avant-garde revivals. His typefaces include Grotesk Polski FA, a sans serif companion to Poland’s eminent pre-WWII text face Antykwa Poltawskiego, as well as FA Julian or FA Komunikat, typefaces based on Wladyslaw Strzeminski’s lettering.

In 2006, he developed together with Henryk Sakwerda - Silesiana, an original typeface for Silesia region in Poland. Artur is a co-author (with Magdalena Frankowska) of a book ‘Henryk Berlewi’ (2010) about a precursor of modern typography and graphic design. In 2010, he wrote ‘Typespotting. Warszawa’ a book about letters in urban space of Warsaw.

Artur Frankowski is ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale) country delegate for Poland.

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