Ralf Herrmann studies Communication Design at Bauhaus-University Weimar.
He is the webmaster of www.typografie.info, the well-known independent web site dedicated to typography and fonts in Germany.
Herrmann is founder of a web design agency in Germany, writes books about fonts and typography and is advisor of FontShop Berlin.
Logotypia Pro
Wayfinding Sans Symbols 4
Wayfinding Sans Symbols 3
Wayfinding Sans Symbols 2
Wayfinding Sans Symbols 1
Dekorationsfibel by Werner Schilling
Source: https://www.flickr.com.Ralf Herrmann. License: All Rights
2016-01-10 10:35:24
Global, Local, Social: ATypI Barcelona 2014 (Part 2)
With Typographic Dialogues, the theme of their 58th conference, A
2014-11-01 06:01:24
Biblioteca Bodoni Launched on Bicentennial Anniversary of Giambattista Bodoni's Death
As the year slowly draws to a close I'd be remiss not to mention
2013-12-12 05:17:55
Den Blå Planet
Source: http://www.denblaaplanet.dk.Den Blå Planet. License: All
2013-04-06 08:05:54
The City of Santa Cruz Wayfinding Signage
Source: http://www.studioholladay.com.Studio Holladay. License: A
2013-01-03 06:26:42
The design of a signage typeface
The story begins in 2006 with a trip down Route 66. Day in, day o
2012-04-19 18:57:14
Ralf Herrmann studies Communication Design at Bauhaus-University Weimar.
He is the webmaster of www.typografie.info, the well-known independent web site dedicated to typography and fonts in Germany.
Herrmann is founder of a web design agency in Germany, writes books about fonts and typography and is advisor of FontShop Berlin.