Eric Gill, Adrian Frutiger 和 Max Miedinger是我们每天在用的字体的作者们,这些字体可以说都是不会轻易过时的优秀作品。这里收录了25个在设计领域里最普遍也最具时代性的字体,保证能让设计师用一辈子。Helvetica设计师哪个不认识Helvetica? 瑞士设计师 Max Miedinger 以及 Eduard Hoffmann 的作品。BodoniGiambattista Bodoni 1798年设计的有衬线字体,被Goodfellas gangster用来做电影海报
2016-07-18 09:16:22
Contemporary German calligrapher, teacher, book designer and type designer associated with Stempel, Linotype, Hell, ITC, and Bitstream.
It was in 1935 that Zapf started on his course to becoming one of the 20th century’s most significant type designers and calligraphers by buying writing manuals of Rudolf Koch and Edward Johnston, and teaching himself. In 1938 he worked at the workshop of Paul Koch in Frankfurt, learning about punchcutting and other techniques of fine printing. He joined Stempel later that year, alongside the punchcutter August Rosenberger. He began to design type for them the next year. During World War II Zapf was a cartographer.
Zapf has designed some of the 20th century’s most important fonts, including Palatino and Optima. He recently worked with David Siegel, Apple, and Linotype to create Zapfino, a font of his calligraphic handwriting; special features enable it to adapt itself to the text it is displaying.
He was married to Gudrun Zapf von Hesse, also a calligrapher and type designer.