Brand name: ITC Fonts
English name: International Typeface Corporation
Country or region: United StatesUnited States
Address: Monotype Imaging, 500 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA 01801
Supplier ID:: ITC
ITC Fonts

ITC is a library that was created by creative professionals, for creative professionals in the 1970s. Its founders worked not only in type design, but in advertising, graphic design and photocomposition. The collective expertise of these men gave them the perspective necessary to know not only what holes existed in the industry, but how to fill them as well. ITC’s founders, Aaron Burns, Herb Lubalin and Ed Rondthaler, were each awarded the TDC Medal; an award presented by the Type Directors Club to individuals “who have made significant contributions to the life, art, and craft of typography.”

From the very beginning, ITC has been known and highly regarded for its collection dominated by popular display faces. The iconic library was founded during the phototypesetting era and established itself throughout time period as a reliable producer of quality type that could be licensed to manufacturers of composition machinery.

Today, the library is home to both new typefaces like ITC Esprit and revivals of historic styles like the ITC Berkeley Oldstyle font. By working with leading type designers, ITC built a library of classic text and innovative display fonts, intended first for phototypesetting in the 1970s, and now perfectly suited for today’s digital era.