Brand name: New Fonts
English name: New Fonts
Country or region: United StatesUnited States
Address: 150 West 28th Street, Suite 1103A, New York, NY 10001
Telephone: +1 212-627-5909
New Fonts

New Fonts is a division of the New York-based design office of Charles Nix & Associates. New Fonts custom & commercial fonts & lettering are the result of a cooperative effort between Charles Nix (font design), Stefano Arcella (ornament design), and Wong Chee Yee (digitizing).

Typefaces in the New Fonts collection are derived from a rich variety of sources – from 15th century Spain to 21st century Sumatra. Each is the result of careful conversion of hundreds of hand-drawn letterforms to digital media.

The Sumatran Series of fonts is inspired by hand-painted letterforms from commercial signage in the tiny village of Tuk Tuk on the island of Samosir in Northern Sumatra. The series consists of six faces: Batak, Nani, Tuk Tuk, Samosir, Melaka, and Huta Bolon (yet to be released).