Brand name: Emigre
English name: Emigre, Inc.
Country or region: United StatesUnited States
Address: 1700 Shattuck Ave., #307, Berkeley, CA 94709
Telephone: 530-756-2900
Fax: 530-756-1300
Supplier ID:: EMGR

Emigre is a digital type foundry and publisher of the design journal, Emigre magazine.

Based in Northern California, Emigre was there, in the eye of the storm, when the Macintosh computer was first introduced in 1984. As part of a small group of believers, Emigre used the restrictions of low resolution output to create inventive new typeface designs and layouts. This earned them recognition early on as innovators in the field of graphic design.

As the Macintosh grew up, so did Emigre. Its library now houses over three hundred modern typeface designs licensed from designers around the world. And Emigre magazine, while a prime showcase for the use of Emigre fonts, has developed into a journal exploring graphic design in the widest sense of the term.

Emigre was founded by Zuzana Licko and Rudy VanderLans.

The Emigre type library features designs by the following designers: Mark Andresen, Bob Aufuldish, Jonathan Barnbrook, Rodrigo Cavazos, Barry Deck, Eric Donelan, John Downer, Elliott Peter Earls, Edward Fella, Sibylle Hagmann, Frank Heine, John Hersey, Jeffery Keedy, Zuzana Licko, P. Scott Makela, Conor Mangat, Nancy Mazzei, Brian Kelly, Miles Newlyn, Claudio Piccinini, Just van Rossum, Christian Schwartz and Rudy VanderLans.