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Extra Bold, Ultra Black Fonts: Hit Hard with Heavy Duty Type

In an effort to get noticed, a lot of folks turn to the most obvi

Reviving Caslon

Part 1: The snare of authenticityHow much should a revival of a t

Font Aid IV: Coming Together, a Collaborative Typeface

Font Aid IV: Coming Together, a Collaborative Typeface

On Tuesday, January 12, 2010, a catastrophic earthquake occurred

The Rediscovery of Boudewijn Ietswaart

The Rediscovery of Boudewijn Ietswaart

Lettering in the Netherlands has had many great exponents from Ja

鲍勃 · 诺达的地下世界

鲍勃 · 诺达的地下世界

鲍勃·诺达的代表作之一:纽约地铁标志设计。Image: thisisdisplay.org本文在《艺术与设计》2010年3月期刊出