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AmericanAdvertise012W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise012 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise012W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise012W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, at Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise012 W90 Rg:2007; File size: 729.45K

AmericanAdvertise011W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise011 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise011W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise011W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, at Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise011 W90 Rg:2007; File size: 764.35K

AmericanAdvertise019W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise019 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise019W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise019W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, at Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise019 W90 Rg:2007; File size: 330.71K

AmericanAdvertise013W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise013 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise013W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise013W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, at Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise013 W90 Rg:2007; File size: 183.99K

AmericanAdvertise007W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise 007 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise007W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise007W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise 007 W90 Rg:2010; File size: 751.16K

AmericanAdvertise010W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise 010 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise010W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise010W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise 010 W90 Rg:2009; File size: 243.74K

AmericanAdvertise008W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise 008 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise008W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise008W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise 008 W90 Rg:2008; File size: 277.42K

AmericanAdvertise010W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise 010 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise010W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise010W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise 010 W90 Rg:2009; File size: 243.74K

AmericanAdvertise007W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise 007 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise007W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise007W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise 007 W90 Rg:2010; File size: 751.16K

AmericanAdvertise008W90-Rg Regular Version 1.00

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Full name of font: AmericanAdvertise 008 W90 Rg; Font Family: AmericanAdvertise008W90-Rg; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.00; PostScript Name:: AmericanAdvertise008W90-Rg; Unify font identification: Paulo W, Intellecta Design:AmericanAdvertise 008 W90 Rg:2008; File size: 277.42K