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AvertaCYW10-Thin Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W10 Thin; Font Family: AvertaCYW10-Thin; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW10-Thin; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W10 Thin:2015; File size: 38.54K

AvertaCYW29-Bold Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W29 Bold; Font Family: AvertaCYW29-Bold; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW29-Bold; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W29 Bold:2015; File size: 166.67K

AvertaCYW29-Black Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W29 Black; Font Family: AvertaCYW29-Black; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW29-Black; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W29 Black:2015; File size: 163.82K

AvertaCYW10-Regular Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W10 Regular; Font Family: AvertaCYW10-Regular; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW10-Regular; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W10 Regular:2015; File size: 38.12K

AvertaCYW03-Regular Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W03 Regular; Font Family: AvertaCYW03-Regular; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW03-Regular; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W03 Regular:2015; File size: 320.85K

AvertaCYW05-Bold Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W05 Bold; Font Family: AvertaCYW05-Bold; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW05-Bold; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W05 Bold:2015; File size: 320.54K

AvertaCYW29-Regular Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W29 Regular; Font Family: AvertaCYW29-Regular; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW29-Regular; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W29 Regular:2015; File size: 167.47K

AvertaCYW01-ExtraboldItalic Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W01 Extrabold Italic; Font Family: AvertaCYW01-ExtraboldItalic; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW01-ExtraboldItalic; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W01 Extrabold Italic:2015; File size: 34.96K

AvertaCYW10-ExtraboldItalic Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W10 Extrabold Italic; Font Family: AvertaCYW10-ExtraboldItalic; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW10-ExtraboldItalic; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W10 Extrabold Italic:2015; File size: 38.88K

AvertaCYW03-ExtraboldItalic Regular Version 1.008

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Full name of font: Averta CY W03 Extrabold Italic; Font Family: AvertaCYW03-ExtraboldItalic; Style: Regular; Version: Version 1.008; PostScript Name:: AvertaCYW03-ExtraboldItalic; Unify font identification: Kostas Bartsokas:Averta CY W03 Extrabold Italic:2015; File size: 305.59K