Fifty2|3|4: FontFont Release Magazine No. 3

News|The FontFeed|Ivo Gabrowitsch 2011-03-02 19:46:44

Thanks to web fonts, 2010 became a ground breaking year in the type industry. The news about the new typographic freedom on the web spread across the world in no time, and the was offered for free! Now all major FontFont text fonts are available in the web font formats .woff and .eot, a total of almost 2500 fonts.

Web FontFonts are already supported by the major browsers: Microsoft® Internet Explorer, Mozilla® Firefox®, and Google Chrome™. Apple® Safari® and Opera™ are about to follow the WOFF standard. The revolutionary FontFonter, a toolbar app from FontShop that lets you try web FontFonts on any website, has already convinced countless web designers of the suitability of FontFonts. It comes as no surprise that influential sites like Mozilla or I Love Typography rely on FontFonts. Just like two of the first Webfont Awards winners owe their victories to fonts with FF in the name.

Besides the technical updates, some remarkable new designs were added to the FF DIN Round, the Arabic-Latin type system FF Amman, the playful yet very functional FF Suhmo (recently awarded at the TDC² 2011 competition), the new extended family FF Kava, FF Unit Slab.

It is no wonder this release magazine you are about to download or view on Isuu is as fat as an annual report. It includes more font samples and information than the previous two releases. There is actually even more to announce, e.g. that the Museum of Modern Art in New York chose to admit four FontFonts in its architecture and design collection. Unfortunately there is not enough space for all of this, so please do look forward to the 2011 magazine.

You candownload the Fifty2|3|4 Release Mag PDF here(20MB), or browse it on Issuu. Enjoy.



