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Account Information
1. How Can I Cancel My FontKe Account?

Your FontKe account allows you to log-in and use all of the FontKe products and enjoy services. It can not be changed or canceled. If you do not want to use this account, you can simply just do not log in.

2017-04-21 06:47:02
2. How Can I Change My Register E-mail?

You can change your e-mail address under the "Personal Information" menu of the "My Account" menu.

2017-04-19 13:23:25
3. How Can I Check My Personal Information on FontKe?

You can check your personal information under the "My Account " menu after you log-in and you can check and change your password and headshot.

2017-04-16 02:36:11
4. How Can I Change My Account Information?

You can change your nickname, e-mail address, password and headshot under the "Personal Information" menu of the "My Account" menu.

2016-01-18 14:09:05
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