VIP/SVIP Membership membership level is divided into ordinary members(LV1 - LV4), VIP membership and SVIP membership.

Ordinary members: the levels of the membership automatically change according to the amount of user's Zicoin. The higher the level, the more the privileges users can enjoy.

VIP membership: users can join the VIP club by purchasing VIP package. When the package is expired, the VIP membership will automatically degrading to Ordinary membership and the level (LV1-LV4) will be in accordance with the amount of user's Zicoin.

SVIP membership: users can join the SVIP club by purchasing SVIP package. When the package is expired, the SVIP membership will automatically degrading to Ordinary membership and the level (LV1-LV4) will be in accordance with the amount of user's Zicoin. [More]


Zicoin is the only currency used in Users can get it in many ways, such as new account registration( new users can get 10 Zicoins for free) , Gift Cards, uploading fonts, sharing fonts or commenting on fonts and articles, sign-in or other related events. The exchange ratio is 100 Zicoins = 1 RMB. For other currencies, the exchange rate will be in accordance with the information on the page of buying Zicoin. [More]

Customized Font Design provides customized font design service including Calligraphy fonts, Artistic fonts, Duplicate fonts (the fonts in ancient books), fonts under the Character standards (ASCII、GB 2312-80、GBK、GB 13000、GB 18030-2000、GB18030-2005 or Unicode 10.0.0) and measures the value according to its number of characters and copy right issue. [More]

Customized Website Design Service

With extensive experience in the website development, can provide customized web design services of PHP platform website management system, web design, web image editing(DIV+CSS). [More]

Customized Software Design Service

With wealthy experience of developing C#, Andoird, iOS , provides customized software design service including all kinds of software on Windows and applications on Andoird and iOS. [More]

API Interface provides professional Internet font service API interface, containing developing-needed API and SDK on Web, Android, iOS relating to services of font recognition and bar-code generation , data of glyph , name of fonts, version of fonts, download data of fonts, data of font family, font designers, foundries and Unicode characters. We want to be the most comprehensive and convenient API service supplier facing developers and help them to save the cost of developing apps. [More]

Advertisement Service

The users of and LikeFont software are worldwide. There are users in almost 200 countries and regions. Currently, 90% of our users are in Mainland China. The main users include designers, front-end engineers, programmers, font enthusiasts, literature enthusiasts, and calligraphy enthusiasts. We can provide targeting advertisement services for advertisers. [More]